The Problem
If you've uploaded a PDF to Memo and you're seeing only "0" characters in the output, this typically means your PDF contains scanned images rather than actual text. This happens because the PDF consists of pictures of text rather than machine-readable text.
Why This Happens
Your PDF might be:
A scanned document
Screenshots compiled into a PDF
Images converted to PDF format
A PDF where text is rendered as images
The Solution
To fix this issue, you'll need to convert your image-based PDF into a text-searchable PDF using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Here's how:
Visit ilovepdf's OCR tool
Upload your PDF file
Select the appropriate language of your document
Process the file using their OCR service
Download the OCR-processed PDF
Upload the new PDF to Memo
Additional Tips
Make sure the original scan quality is clear and readable
If possible, use dark text on a light background for best OCR results
After OCR processing, verify that the text is selectable in your PDF viewer
Still Having Issues?
If you continue experiencing problems after following these steps, please contact our support team at [email protected] for additional assistance.